*A Gift For The Sanjay Mentoring Family To Help you Hit Your Target In 2021*
  • How To Download: Fill in the registration form and we will send it to your email.
  • Attention!: We will be closing our registration page very soon, so please make sure you download it now.
Finish The Registration Form Below To Receive The Advisor Calendar!

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Your Existing Clients' Number:

What Is Special About The Advisor Calendar 2021?
World's First Customized Calendar for Financial Advisors Only
 Introduce Small Challenges Into Your Goal Setting To Make It More Fun & Exciting! 
 2021 Goal Setting Guidelines To Help You Stay On The Right Direction! 
 Reminders On Special Days Of The Month To Keep You Stay Motivated!

This Calendar Handles All The Following In One Place:

  • Know the number of prospects you are going to meet.
  • Allocate time to value add your existing clients.
  • ​Know when to spend time with your friends and family.
  • ​Know what is your closing ratio.
  • ​And many more things are waiting for you to explore...
*Note: This Calendar is specially designed to help the family understand that time is precious and you have to be focused on how you spending your time.
About Your Family Leader
Why Learn From Dr. Sanjay Tolani?
Dr Sanjay Tolani is a 19-year member of the Million Dollar Round Table – The Premier Association of Financial Professionals, with 2 Court of the Table, 15 Top of the Table honors and 5 years Platinum Dragon. He became the youngest member in 2003, at the age of 19, and then qualified as the Youngest Life Member in 2012 at the age of 28.

In 2019, he has successfully attained >100 MDRT and his passion lies in sharing his knowledge with everyone in the mentoring family.

Over the last decade, Dr Sanjay has been learning from top financial advisors all over the world, consolidating their insights and learning.

He has coached over hundreds of thousands of top financial advisors all over the world. What makes Dr Sanjay happy is seeing members of his family succeeding and being professional in their line of work.

No matter how good you think you are at presentations, there are proven practices and techniques that the pros use to close their prospects - practices and techniques that Dr Sanjay will personally cover.

So if you are thinking of bringing your professionalism and skills to the NEXT level, this Family is for you!

Copy and paste what you will be taught, and the results should will follow.
What Will You Expect & Receive?
"The Never Shared Before" Presentation Formula: 
This alone will already set you apart from the average financial planner.
Exact Closing Script and Objection Handling
These tested and proven strategies help Dr Sanjay qualify every single year.
Family Exclusive 
Training Videos
From time to time, Dr Sanjay prepares personal coaching videos for his family so that they can learn the newest strategies!
Listen To Others Who Have Benefited 
"I reduced my presentation time by 80%!"
I used to do a long winded product presentations that last about 30 minutes. And only after learning concept presentation from Dr Sanjay, I realized that presentations can be as short and 7 minutes and they bring more messages across to my prospects.
Thank you Dr Sanjay!
Lee Hwa, Financial Planner
"300% Increase In Sales"
As a new financial advisor, I am not sure where to get started. I'm glad I joined Sanjay Mentoring Family because the techniques taught by Sanjay are practical. I tested out the strategies he shared during the family meet ups and surprisingly, I manage to 3X my sales for this year! Thank you Dr Sanjay!
William Chin, Financial Planner
"I Close 6 Cases in 4 days after applying what I learnt..."
I wanted to quit the industry because I was not doing well for a few years. Then I saw Dr Sanjay's video on Youtube and decided to give it a last try by attending his event. I read his books, attended a few of his events and I'm happy to say my sales 7x from previous year. I realized everything I was taught was wrong from the start. I will defintely attend Final Sprint 2020 to listen to the legend again.
Wen Li, Financial Planner
Frequently Asked Questions
Will Dr Sanjay's sharing be relevant to us?
Absolutely! This is because even though Dr Sanjay is based in Dubai, his clients come from 53 countries. He is intimately familiar with global taxation rules, industry regulations and even products globally.
What will I receive when I'm part of this family?
From time to time, you will receive timely updates about the industry from Dr Sanjay. Also when you join this family, you're part of the team and it is everyone's responsibility in the family to help you GET TO THE NEXT LEVEL.

You'll be happy to know that you will also receive videos that are exclusively for the family. 
Why is Dr Sanjay so generous in sharing his trade secrets? Is there a catch?
For starters, Dr Sanjay is a solo practitioner. He doesn't manage an agency and has no intention to build one. That's not his focus.
His intent is to pay it forward and raise the standards in the financial services industry. This way, everyone wins! 
Can I invite my fellow advisors to join the family?
Yes! We will appreciate that. And the more advisors you invite, the more rewards you will get! 
Do I need to pay to be part of this family?
Of course not! This family is FREE to join! The purpose is to educate all financial planners on new and updated strategies, so together we make financial planning easier for everyone!
Sanjay Mentoring Family 2021 All Rights Reserved